Congratulations Kevin, Kinyera and Ivan
For completing your certificates of nursing.
We are proud of you!
Kevin began as a ChildrenUp beneficiary in 2013. She has just completed her Certificate of Nursing at St. Mary Lacor School of Nursing.
Kevin wrote: “A nurse opens the eyes of a newborn and gently closes the eyes of a dying person.”
Kinyera began as a ChildrenUP beneficiary in 2010. He has just completed his Certificate of Nursing at St. Mary Lacor School of Nursing.
During his breaks between semesters, he has volunteered at local clinics and in his village using his medical skills to help friends and neighbors.
Ivan began as a ChildrenUp beneficiary in 2013. He has just completed his Certificate of Nursing at the Gulu School of Nursing.
He has nurtured younger ChildrenUp students while at secondary school. His attentive approach is a plus when working with patients.