Keeping Academic Skills Alive During the Pandemic
We have provided all our Senior 2 students with the textbooks they need from now to the end of
Senior 4. They can be reading at home to keep learning.
How to keep academic skills alive during the Covid School Closings?
Our staff has engaged teachers to create tests for our Senior 3 and Senior 4 students. Students have been asked to complete the tests as a means to keep alive their academic skill . We are very proud of some of our Senior 3 students who scored as well or better than some Senior 4 students. They have shown a true appetite for learning.
Our staff has guided parents and mentored students as we all learn how to work through this challenging educational year.
The government has issued packets for each grade level to assist students in their study. They have created revised syllabi for the next few years. Our staff has photocopied the packets and syllabi and have visited with both student and parents to distribute these learning tools.